Friday, December 11, 2009

Sabres Weekend

Sabres start out this weekend playing one of the hottest teams in the league. They play the Chicago Blackhawks tonight and then travel for a game in the Big apple against the Rangers. The big question I am wondering is for tonight. Will Sabres fans boo Brian Campbell and/or Patrick Kane?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Sabres on 3 game win streak, Bills season over?

The Sabres have got some much needed points as they are in a 3 game win streak. Now a very important 5 home games in a row. And the Bills improve their record to 4-7. And only 3 games back from the Patriots and have 1 game left with them.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Best team right now

The best team in Buffalo right now would have to be the Sabres. They are in 3rd place in the eastern conference and 1st in the northeast division.As for the Bills the are 3-6 and any playoff hopes are very slim. And all other major sports in the area are not in season. Teams that aren't in season are the Bisons, and Bandits.